Potential – Lens Artists Photo Challenge #89: A River Runs Through It

This weeks challenge from the Lens-Artists asks:

Some of you may notice that the theme title for this week is borrowed from “A River Runs Through it” by Norman Maclean.

Here is to hoping that the river of our inspiration continues to bring our virtual community together in these troubled times, and remind us of that which is common,  that which we share, and what we can continue to do for one another.  To bridge the differences and to see those rivers not as things which separate us, but as the the flow that brings us a varied life.

‘Potential’, Dartmoor, 2018.

It is more of a stream I would agree, but one day it will become a mighty river!

Wishing you all the very best, take care and stay well.



  1. “… but as the the flow that brings us a varied life”– Thank you so much for your wise words, Ken. Beautiful river runs through it, and the bridge. 🙂

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  2. […] In his “River Runs Through It, Ken says,”Here is to hoping that the river of our inspiration continues to bring our virtual community together in these troubled times, and remind us of that which is common, that which we share, and what we can continue to do for one another. To bridge the differences and to see those rivers not as things which separate us, but as the the flow that brings us a varied life.  —Ken (Pictures without Film) […]

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